
11 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 From a Computer Repair Consultant

computer repair

In my graduate school days, I was on the path to be an educator. I believed and still believe educational technology can be a powerful synergistic complement to any curriculum. The kids are there; technology is so second nature to them that they don’t even see the lines between traditional pedagogy and technology. Instead I followed the path of computer repair and IT consulting.

That is a tougher challenge for any teacher over 40 today. The US educational system has a long way to go in terms of merging technology with academics. Schools are beginning to add Fabrication (Fab) Labs to their classroom. What they are yet to do is integrate the Fab Labs into the school.  Teachers need to catch up to their students. Daniel Christian offers 11 Ed . Tech trends to watch out for in 2017.  Consider these thought provoking questions then follow the link to read the entire article:

  1. Will remote workers be able to be seen and interacted with via their holograms (i.e., attending their meetings virtually)? What would this mean for remote learners?
  2. Will our smartphones increasingly allow us to see information overlaid on the real world? (Think Pokémon Go, but putting that sort of technology into a vast array of different applications, many of which could be educational in nature.)
  3. How do/will these new forms of HCI impact how we design our learning spaces?
  4. Will students be able to pick their preferred learning setting (i.e., studying by a brook or stream or in a virtual Starbucks-like atmosphere)?
  5. Will more devices/platforms be developed that combine the power of AI with VR/AR/MR-related experiences? For example, will students be able to issue a verbal question or command to be able to see and experience walking around ancient Rome?
  6. Will there be many new types of learning experiences, like what Microsoft was able to achieve in its collaboration with Case Western Reserve University [OH]? Its HoloLens product transforms the way human anatomy can be taught.

Daniel Christian: We are on the precipice of major changes in how we interact with our computing devices. Numerous companies with deep pockets — including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Sony and others — have been researching and investing in new forms of human-computer interaction (HCI) such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR). The consumer-based products from these companies have already significantly influenced the types of hardware and software that institutions of higher education have used to deliver their learning experiences.



computer repair, ed tech, educational technology, iot, IT Consulting

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