
Google Contacts: A New Design That Could Change the Way You Manage Contacts


As part of its ongoing efforts to improve and simplify user experiences, Google has consistently revised how it presents information to users. This process began with a redesign of Google Search, continued with the release of Material Design, and extends even further in the company’s latest update to the Contacts app.

To help users efficiently manage their contacts, all Google apps now feature an updated sidebar that makes it easier to add new contacts, find recently contacted people, or search for a specific individual. To learn more about this update and its implications on your digital life, read on…

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What’s New With Google Contacts?

Google Contacts users will find several new features in this newly revamped app. The two most significant updates are contact-based reminders and a new way to find people. As you’re adding a new contact, you’ll now see the option to create a reminder that is associated with that contact.

This allows you to set a due date for any action associated with a particular person. If you’re looking for a specific person and can’t seem to find them in your existing list of contacts, don’t worry. You can now use the search bar to find any number, email address, or name associated with your account.

The new Contacts app will also automatically surface any numbers or email addresses you have saved with which you have not created a contact.

Easy Management of Your Network

The Contacts app now features a more intuitive sidebar menu that allows you to more easily add new contacts, access your recently contacted people, or search for a specific individual.

You can easily add a new contact to your list with the sidebar menu by clicking the “+” icon. Here you can enter the person’s name, number, or email address and add any other relevant information you may want to include. When you’ve added a few contacts to your list, you can use the sidebar menu to quickly search for someone you’ve recently contacted.

You can also use this menu to search for a specific person by entering their name, number, or email address.

google headquarters representing google contacts
Mountain View, Ca USA May 7, 2017: Googleplex – Google Headquarters office buildings

Contact-Based Reminders

If you have a reminder associated with a particular contact, you can find it in the Contacts sidebar menu. To view your reminders, click on the “edit” button in the sidebar menu and select “all reminders.”

You’ll then be able to view all reminders associated with your contacts. This allows you to see any reminder you have set up and easily mark it as complete. This can be especially helpful if you rely on reminders to stay organized.

This feature is especially useful if you have a lot of contacts in your list, as you can quickly view any reminders you have associated with those individuals.

A Better Way to Find People

As we mentioned above, you can now use the Contacts app to find any number, email address, or name associated with your account. During your search, you’ll also notice that the app now features a “people” tab with a list of names from your Contacts list.

If you click on a name in this tab, you’ll be brought to a page with a list of all the other numbers and email addresses associated with that person. This makes adding someone to your Contacts list easier, as you can simply select a phone number or email address and choose the “add as contact” option.


The redesigned Google Contacts app makes it easier than ever to find and manage your network of contacts. Although this update is live, you may not see it in your account immediately.

This is because Google often rolls out updates to its apps gradually, particularly when major changes involve. However, you can expect the new Contacts app to become available in your account within the next few weeks.

If you want a sneak peek of the new design, you can sign up for the Google Contacts Preview. This will allow you to get a feel for the new and improved design while the rest of the world waits for the update to be rolled out to their accounts.



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