
NAS Drives: A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right One


NAS drives are examples of devices that are a part of the Internet of Things. Also known as the IoT, it is a network of devices that can send and receive data without requiring human intervention. These smart devices are often connected through networks. IoT networks include Industrial Ethernet, WirelessHART, and Remote Device Management Communication Services.

In the world of IoT, several logical layers must be implemented to ensure everything works together smoothly. One such layer is called the Networking layer, which refers to how data is segmented and transmitted between two points.

Different networking protocols operate at this layer in an IoT network. NBAC, CAN, DDS, Modbus, and more are among these protocols. This blog post will examine some common networking protocols used in the IoT industry.

nas drives are part of the internet of things
smart city and wireless communication network, abstract image visual, internet of things


Networked Building Automation and Control (NBAC) is an industrial communication standard designed to provide interoperability between different building automation systems (BAS) and devices in commercial or industrial environments.

NBAC is the standard that drives most SCADA systems and is used by many PLC systems. NBAC is a hybrid protocol built using the best features of both TCP and UDP; NBAC can deliver data reliably while achieving very low latency. It is also robust and can withstand heavy network traffic and network congestion.

NBAC is also very flexible, allowing for a wide variety of implementations, and can use a variety of transport protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, TLS, MQTT). NBAC uses a client/server architecture where the server (NBAC Master) manages connections, identifies clients, and maintains the data flow.

Clients (NBAC Slaves) are responsible for managing their data flow, including transmitting their data, receiving data from other clients, and acknowledging the receipt of data. NBAC supports a wide range of media and data types, including discrete and analog signals, streaming data, data from sensors, data from industrial control systems, and data from machine-to-machine communications.

NBAC can also be used for various applications and industries, including building automation, energy, oil and gas, marine, mining, rail, road transport and logistics, and water and wastewater.

this image represents the internet of things and nas drives
Internet of Things flat iconic illustration thing object


Distributed Data Synchronization (DDS) is a standard for distributed real-time data processing. It is designed to connect sensors, control systems, and other devices to create intelligent applications. DDS is a standard developed by the Object Management Group (OMG).

DDS uses a publish/subscribe model, where all nodes (clients) on the network subscribe to data streams. This makes it ideal for real-time IoT applications. DDS can connect all types of systems, including legacy systems. It can handle different types of data, including sensor readings, data from control systems, and data generated by distributed applications.

DDS also provides flexibility for scheduling data delivery and managing data storage. DDS is used in many industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and transportation. It is also suitable for applications that require low-latency communication.


The Modbus protocol is a widely used industrial communication standard for transferring data between devices. Modbus was developed in the 1970s by the Modicon Corporation. Modbus can be used to connect a wide variety of devices, including sensors, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), actuators, and monitoring systems.

Modbus is a relatively simple protocol, making it easy to implement. It uses a master/slave architecture, which can be implemented on various devices. Modbus also supports both asynchronous and synchronous data transfers, making it suitable for applications that require low-latency communication.


The Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an industrial messaging standard that connects devices and sensors. It is an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol often used in IoT applications. MQTT-SN is a protocol extension to the MQTT standard that adds security and connectivity over the Internet.

It uses a hierarchical token-based authentication system with no user names or passwords. MQTT-SN can be used in both constrained devices and the cloud. It is also a well-established standard that can work with a wide range of IoT devices.


Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is an industrial protocol designed specifically for use with low-power and low-resource devices, such as sensors. CoAP is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard designed to work with the Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) layers.

CoAP is a lightweight protocol built on top of UDP and is used for communication between sensors, servers, actuators, and other devices. It features low power, low data rate, and low CPU usage. CoAP also has a small packet size, making it ideal for constrained devices.

Bluetooth Networking Protocol

The Bluetooth protocol is wireless communication between devices within a short distance. Bluetooth devices can operate independently without requiring a central server or middleman. Bluetooth devices also use a master/slave architecture. It is designed to support low-power applications, such as IoT devices. Bluetooth is an open protocol, meaning anyone can build a Bluetooth-enabled device.

Z-Wave Networking Protocol

The Z-Wave protocol is a low-power radio frequency (RF) mesh networking protocol designed for home automation and IoT. It is designed to interoperate with other home automation products, such as lighting systems, wall plugs, thermostats, and door sensors.

Z-Wave is a closed wireless network, meaning only the Z-Wave Alliance can be used. However, the Z-Wave protocol is open and allows for interoperability between different home automation systems. Z-Wave is the most popular protocol for home automation and IoT. It is widely used in home automation systems and IoT devices, such as sensors.

Zigbee Networking Protocol

The Zigbee protocol is a popular industrial communication standard that connects devices in a low-power network. Zigbee is an open standard designed to be used in home automation, industrial application, and IoT.

Zigbee is a low-power protocol that uses a star network topology and a central coordinator node to control communication. It is designed to work with various devices, including sensors, actuators, and monitoring systems. Zigbee is an open standard and can be used with other systems and devices. Zigbee is the most popular protocol for connecting home automation systems. The table below summarizes these protocols and their key features.

While different industries and applications may require different networking protocols, most industrial communication systems, including those discussed above, can be applied across industries. The best choice for an industrial communication system depends on the type of device, bandwidth requirements, application requirements, and cost.

Choosing the right protocol for your application requires careful planning, research, and testing to ensure the selected protocol meets all your requirements. Selecting the wrong protocol can mean wasted time and money, so deciding on the best one for your application is important.


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